
Our customized and secure online management system centralizes documents and personal asset records. You have control over what is shared and the level of your involvement in the administration. We take care of the rest, allowing you to focus on more important tasks while making sure that you are reminded of important deadlines, expirations, closings, and communications. We can also facilitate communication between you and your family, strategic advisors and providers, and/or operators ensuring important information is shared and acted on according to your expectations.

Office Administration

Administrative solutions for your family office, family, and family enterprise.

Coordinator Between Family and Advisors

Cutting-edge technology facilitates communication, actionable controls, and document sharing between all key people (family, operators, advisors and providers)

Foundation and Gifting Administration

Seasoned experts provide leadership in administering the foundation, training and transitioning staff, and/or managing the grant process

Outsourced Tamarind C-Suite

Professional and administrative services for families and family offices when full-time staff is not required

Data and Document Management

Cutting-edge technology services that centralize and manage your data